Thursday, November 4, 2010

He makes all things new

Hello Everyone!

The newest thing in my life would have to be the fact that I am moving for the winter. I have been searching for a job for months without success. The parents of a good friend of mine who live in Maine heard that I was being unsuccessful in my job hunt and had the goodness to offer me a position in the Daycare//Preschool that she owns. The job is for most of the ski season in Bethel, I will officially be starting work on December 1st and will be working until April 1st.

On the 18th of November, Lord willing, my mom and I will be packing our van with my belongings and driving to my new home in Bethel, ME. I am truly excited about this new opportunity and the experiences that await me. I can't think of a better way to serve the Lord than in caring for the little ones He has blessed us with.

As you can imagine my room has stacks of boxes of various shapes and sizes, some full and some not yet used. I have joked with friends that if someone was to look into my room they wouldn't be able to tell whether I was coming or going. Not only am I packing for Maine, but I am also moving all my belongings from my room to the attic. When I move out, one of my lucky brothers will have the pleasure of "keeping and eye" on my room. Of course this means that he (whom ever it is) will need to move his belongings into my room...apparently its easier to watch a place if you occupy it. This will be a new experience for them also because up to this point the three of them have shared a room. Of course when I return, the occupant will move back to his previous home.

I will be living in the Hostel that is owned by the family that I will be working for. I will have my own place. What a difference from living at home with five other people! Not only will I be having my own place but I will also cooking for just me. I will have to completely change my shopping mind frame. No longer will I be placing multiples of anything in the cart. No more buying six dozen eggs, no more gallon jugs of maple syrup. It will be a whole new world for me. But I look forward to it.

I know that I have not used this blog in a great while but, I hope that while I am in Maine I will get into the habit of using it as a place to update all of my friends and family (on top of Facebook of course) on the goings on of my life in Bethel, Maine.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Old Facebook, New Blog.

As I find myself with a new blog on a new server, I am constantly lost. For me that is nothing new. I take several months to fully explore any new website but once I am familiar with its capabilities and settings I am set. I can only hope that this server does not do what Facebook did to all it's users this summer.

One morning when I signed in I was greeted by an automatic message from the makers of Facebook. It began by telling me that soon all of Facebook would be changed to the "New Facebook" but that I could try this new Facebook now. Of course I was curious...What was it like? What did they change? Would there be wonderful improvements to the already great world of Facebook?

Well I took a look at the time and figured that I had enough time to try this out, I moved my cursor over the "Try it now!" button and made on of the worst decisions I had ever made on the computer. I tried the New Facebook before I had too.

Immediately I was aghast at what I saw....what was it like? It was a disaster! The old Facebook was pretty organized and easy to navigate. This new Facebook was a mess. Settings were in the strangest places, certain applications that I knew I had had disappeared and I couldn't find anything!!!. I was hoping that the FB Administration had made improvements but to me and many other users it seemed that they had taken a step backwards.

As time passes I realized that my zeal against the new FB had faded, and I was entirely adjusted to the new Facebook. Now when a friend mentions the change, I just shrug.